If you have not tried Pinterest yet, you may be missing out on the next big thing… or at the very least another time burning obsession; hours of mindless searching, pinning, collecting, sharing. Creating perfect little worlds in the form of personal pin boards....
The effort you put into your website, or marketing in general for that matter, factors heavily into the results you will see. Gone are the days when a business owner can put up a website and leave it unattended with any hope of potential customers finding it. Business...
UPDATE: On Friday, January 20, the vote was postponed by Congress “in light of recent events.” For more details, see article at www.reuters.com Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act...
“Surround a thought with a pencil,” Eugene Hoffman said. It has been with me since the fall of 1990, my freshman year of college at the University of Northern Colorado. Gene was full of inspirational words. He was not one to let a student fly under the...